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Genesis 1 Writing Prompt | Bible Studies for Writers

Genesis 1 Writing Prompt | Bible Studies for Writers


1. Read today’s Bible verse from the title.
2. Take a look at the personal reflections (or don’t).
3. Write your own words according to the Genesis 1 writing prompt.
4. Check out the Author’s Entry.

Personal reflections

*Optional: read before tackling today’s writing prompt for Genesis 1.

I love to pair this opening chapter of the Bible with the opening words of the Book of John. I don’t usually ask viewers to read more than one chapter per day, but for the sake of this first writing study, please, flip to the New Testament and give John 1:1-5 a read. If you have not read Genesis 1 from the dropdown above, I would highly recommend reading it after John 1:1-5. The parallels are phenomenal! So that I don’t give you any spoilers, I’m going skip down a line.

Are you finished reading John 1:1-5?

Did you catch what John says? He says the Word was there from the beginning! He says everything is created through the Word and absolutely nothing can be created without the Word.

This passage spoke to me – like shouted in my face – a few years back when God was speaking to me about starting a journalism school for missions. He greatly impressed upon my heart the importance of the Word – the literal word – for which he gifted me a passion.

He showed me what an honor it is to be a writer, how set apart and holy I feel to be chosen for such a task as recording history and passing along teaching moments and even wooing the future generation, occasionally, with poetry.

This is how I want all writers to feel! As you know, we are often loners, pretty nerdy and dirt poor, so it’s hard to feel good about our talents! Alas, God says we have a HUGE purpose.

Someone in college once asked me why I’d rather work at a newspaper than a television station, where everyone sees you and thinks you’re a celebrity.

I said I’d rather see my byline in print than my face on television, but more than that, I’d rather just see the words on the page and know that they benefited at least one person.

I still feel that way today. Though, I sometimes lose sight of that, especially because we don’t always get to know if our words benefit even one person.

It’s super uplifting when we do get confirmation that at least one person got something out of the words we have written, isn’t it? Let’s consider that a bonus from God and learn how to thank him daily for the beautiful gift – and responsibility – of writing with which he has blessed us.