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Connecting to Spiritual Thailand: A Free Guide to Thailand Temples and Shrines

Connecting to Spiritual Thailand: A Free Guide to Thailand Temples and Shrines

Republished from Agoda Travel Guides

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With more than 30,000 temples and shrines in Thailand, seeing them all in one trip – or even in one lifetime – is impossible, but seeing some of the most meaningful is totally doable, especially with the help of “Connecting to Spiritual Thailand, a Guide to 60 Powerspots.” The free e-book, recently produced by Palotai Design provides a list of the most spiritual religious sites in the country.

Download a free copy of e-book “Connecting to Spiritual Thailand, a Guide to 60 Powerspots.”

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Downloadable through the QR code provided above, the full-color pdf contains detailed information in English for tourists. Eye-catching visuals showcase the main temples and shrines in Bangkok, as well as in the central, east, northeast, north and south regions of the country. The guide also explains aspects of Thai Buddhism, temple histories and cultural traditions in special sections for each region.

In the special sections, as well as in the introduction, the e-book illustrates regional traditions and explores spiritual meanings that often are conceptually difficult for international visitors to understand. One section answers questions about Buddhist chants, talismans and the well-known yantra tattoos, or “stick and poke” Sak Yant tattoos. The guide also explains how Brahmanism, along with Chinese and Khmer traditions, adds to the mystique of Thai Buddhism and includes highlights about unique customs and traditions, like full moon holidays and sacred offers.

Download the Spiritual Thailand e-book here

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Take a sneak peak of the e-book’s highlights

Whether you’re in it for the meditation, the architecture or just the cultural experience, visiting a temple or shrine while in Thailand is a must-do activity. The “Connecting to Spiritual Thailand” free e-book breaks down the most important Thailand temples in an easy-to-read, downloadable guide, letting international tourists plan ahead for temple tours and religious journeys.

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Explore Famous Temples in Thailand by region

  • Bangkok – the capital city of Thailand contains thousand of temples and shrines on its own, but “Connecting to Spiritual Thailand” unveils the six most spiritual points in the city including Erawan Shrine and 7 Hindu Shrines, Ratchaprasong.
  • Central – from a pilgrimage to worship the Buddha’s footprint to a shrine with cantankerous monkeys, the central region of Thailand contains 11 of the country’s most religious hot spots.
  • East – visitors looking for off-the-beaten-path spiritual encounters will appreciate a visit to the five religious sites listed in the guide for eastern Thailand. The peaceful destinations, including the Sanctuary of Truth in Chonburi, offer unique experiences for those who want to escape Thailand’s main tourist scenes.
  • Northeast – sometimes overlooked, the northeast region of Thailand features 12 spiritual powerspots, including a Hindu temple complex on an extinct volcano and temples with incredible views built by forest monks. In the e-book, you will discover hideouts of mythical serpents along the Mekong River and the secret behind the “naga fireballs” released from an underwater palace.
  • North – one of Thailand’s most popular tourist regions also is one of the most historical. Amidst the rainforests and atop unbelievable mountaintops, tourists will find 16 temples and shrines including Chiang Mai‘s Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, many of which date to the ancient kingdom.
  • South – see how Brahmanism and Chinese culture blends into Thai Buddhism during a visual tour of 12 southern spiritual powerspots. Tourists planning a trip to Thailand’s southern stunning beaches have the chance to visit island temples such as Phuket Big BuddhaKrabi’s Wat Tham Seua and even a shrine dedicated to a 10-year-old boy nicknamed “Egg Boy.”

Download the Spiritual Thailand e-book here

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Discover ancient histories

It’s no secret that the country’s most elaborate temples and shrines attract millions of sightseers each year. The shimmering rooftops, bigger-than-life Buddhas and slithering hilltop dragons are indeed breathtaking to see, but they also contain incredible histories and hold deep meaning for Thais and millions of visitors throughout the world.Learn about culture and tradition

  • Full Moon holidays – full moon occurrences are big deals in Thai Buddhism. The e-book explains the meaning behind the Buddhist holidays of Makha Bucha, Asanha Bucha and Loy Krathong and how they are celebrated in ways that commemorate events in the Buddha’s life.
  • Sacred Offerings and Wishes – why are those bottles of red Fanta and bunch of bananas left on the doorsteps of spirit houses? Get the lowdown on these offerings, as well as the symbolism and traditions associated with them.
  • The Forest Monk Tradition – learn about the requirements of the “forest monk tradition”, or tudong in Thai, and the inspiring meditation centers that host visitors seeking a deep religious experience.
  • A Spirited Defense: On Chants, Talismans and Tattoos – talismans and tattoo artists are on every corner in Thailand. Get a glimpse of how Thais believe that these sacred objects add balance to their lives.
  • Hindu Gods and Rituals – Thailand welcomes all religions, and Hinduism plays a large role in many Thai Buddhism customs and traditions. The e-book explains more about how Hindu ceremonies and beliefs have trickled into Thai Buddhist culture.